A Story of Gylranor: The Netherid’s Return
(Tome II)
The stench and the smoke of battle lingers still in the land of Nell, after its intrusion by the warmongering Argoms, led by Talus the Dark and now banished to Darkwood.
The struggle, however, is far from over. As Nell reels from the chaos, Percivine seeks to hold together what he can of his own life: friends from the Solemn Hand like Faruin Abrandil, standing trial, or Seleborn Alveroth, or the safety of his brother Sirien, now off to be a warrior in Nell's army, and his father, Astronitus. This, under the immovable shadow of grief for his late mother - not to mention the growing shadow cast by the monstrous Haraxas, whose return at the shakily - allied hands of the Argoms and the Orcs now signals a new threat upon the face of the land.