Symbol of the Divination Administration

By now you may have noticed a particular insignia across the A+ content on A Story of Gylranor’s page on Amazon or on my website. It’s a rather important emblem, signifying the Divination Administration. An interesting design, it is described as such from chapter ten of The Argom’s Influence:

“A design that held a circle on top, with a triangle underneath that had an inwardly bent base. A vertical line divided the circle in half, creating the D for Divination, and a horizontal line swept through the top half of the triangle, creating the letter A for Administration.”

The symbol is as old as the institution it represents. The Divination Administration, which also houses the Diet of Nell, Nell’s governing body, was formed over five thousand four hundred years ago in the 211th year of the Second Dawn by Landseer Felsethh Agravon by direct order of Queen Jorithyl, first queen and founding ruler of the Kingdom of Nell.

During your journeys through Nell, if you see this stamped, engraved, attributed anywhere, you’ll know the Divination Administration has something to do with it. Many who work within the confines of the Administration proudly wear the insignia, going as far as to add the mark to their homes, as Percivine witnessed when visiting Terrien Waterborn’s home for the first time.

Before I forget, the website has received some fresh updates. Check it out!


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